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Blog 27.

This week in ISM I finished the rough format of how my campaign will look in InDesign. Though I am pleased to have all the information in one deck with a cohesive theme, I realize I have a lot more progress to make in order to get away from the basic appearance. My ultimate goal is to have my campaign appear as professional as the ones corporations select as winning ideas in the business world of today. I also had to carefully select different images from my self-made library to use within the tone and feel page of my deck in order to ensure the right message is portrayed to the audience. From constructive criticism provided by my mentor, I was made aware of the necessary revisions to make in order to make my campaign not as wordy. Through first hand experience, this week has shed light on the amount of hard work creating a visually appealing marketing campaign consists of as well as the amount of extreme detail that goes into each component. In addition to working on my final product, I designed my invitations for Final Presentation Night and listed out over twenty five individuals to invite and display my work throughout the year to.

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